Seoul city's COVID-19 cases and critical cases hit record highs

Seoul city's COVID-19 cases and critical cases hit record highs

국내 코로나 확진자 3천명 넘어... 중증환자 연일 최다, 서울 확진자도 최다

South Korea reported more than three-thousand cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, marking the second highest daily caseload since this September.
Seoul city's local infections and critical cases also hit record-high levels.
Kim Yeon-seung reports.
South Korea this Wednesday saw more than 3-thousand cases of COVID-19 the second highest tally since the start of the pandemic.
The number of new cases recorded on Wednesday came to 3-thousand-187.
The city of Seoul saw a record 1-thousand-432 cases.
Critical cases also reached a new high,... with 522 patients in critical condition.
ICU beds in Seoul were more than 80 percent full as of Wednesday.
Authorities are devising an emergency plan in case the situation escalates to the point where it threatens to overwhelm the healthcare system.
The full details of the plan will be announced on Wednesday afternoon.
Meanwhile, on the vaccination front, South Korea is shortening the interval between the primary vaccine and booster doses.
Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said that people aged 60 and above can get booster shots from four months after full inoculation, while those in their fifties can get jabbed five months after full inoculation.
Previously,... authorities had been recommending that people get their top up shots six months after being fully vaccinated.
But with the following changes,... almost 14 million people will be eligible for booster shots by the end of this year.
That's almost twice the number of people included in the original plan.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News

#COVID19 #SouthKorea #Infection

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2021-11-17, 12:00 (KST)

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