Testimonies - October 27, 2021 - CGMJCI

Testimonies - October 27, 2021 - CGMJCI

Testimonies from believers of the CGMJCI around the world.

God fulfilled a promise He made to a married couple of owning their first home

- White Plains, NY, USA

God fulfills the promise he made to the sister of giving her descendants. (Dubbed)

- Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/6luPHTPVTlM?t=3

The Lord promised the sister that she would not lose her house. The house was being auctioned and the lord manifested himself allowing the sister to sell the house. (Dubbed)

- Colombia | Original testimony: https://youtu.be/mcDXK6mk47c?t=4

The Lord healed the sister from polycystic syndrom through the prayer as sister Maria Luisa had asked the Lord to heal all who suffered from illness during the sermon. (Dubbed)

- Original testimony: https://youtu.be/TeaG-8mB56E?t=5

Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International

#IDMJI #CGMJCI #Testimonies

ChurchChurch of GodMinistry of Jesus Christ

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