Zoauves officer maneuvers around to try to find an angle to engage Confederate forces at Garland's Stand.
War of Rights:
War of Rights is a first person multiplayer game featuring massive 200 player battles with a focus on historical authenticity, teamplay and immersion. It is set during the perilous days of the American Civil War, in the Maryland Campaign of September, 1862.
00:00 Zouaves take moment to hoe down during a lull in the battle
00:11 The captain goes to take a moment to assess the situation
00:21 Sharps regiment hold the center rocks
00:31 While confederate forces hold the forest
00:41 They move out to the cornfield, moving past the Sharps regiment
01:25 The sharps holding the center rock continue to fire upon the Rebel positions in the forest
01:37 A lone Rebel bursts through the haze and charges forward
01:50 He manages to take on the low numbered Sharps regiment and drive them back
02:00 The flagbearer flees in terror downhill
02:20 Zouaves return from the corn and move to regain control of the lost center position
02:50 They rise and fire upon Rebel rushing down the snake fence downhill
03:30 The CO orders the Zouaves forward to take position on the snake fence uphill of the Rebels
04:00 They fire at will at the Rebels downhill as they rush up to engage them in melee
04:10 Its a close battle as the smoke clouds the engagement
04:30 But the Rebels gain the upperhand and hunt down the survivors
04:40 The Zouaves are hunted down till its only the bugle boy that remains