Lumber, Firewood, Excavating and T-Shirts. This video has it all. Today is a look at a typical day here at the Morgans. Equipment used was the Kubota KX057-4 Excavator, Wolfe Ridge Splitter, Conveyor and Stihl MS 400
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Our Address: Outdoors with the Morgans
P.O. Box 2140
Cranberry Twp. Pa 16066
Partners and Sponsors
Kubota USA https://www.kubotausa.com
Wolfe Ridge Log Splitters https://www.wolferidgemfg.com
Exmark Commercial Mowers https://www.exmark.com
Exmark Backyard Life https://backyard.exmark.com/ambassador/outdoors-with-the-morgans/
Stihl http://www.stihlusa.com
Wallenstein https://www.wallensteinequipment.com
Kubota KX-057-4 Excavator
Kubota MX 5400 Utility Tractor
Kubota BX 23S Subcompact Tractor
ExMark Lazer Z S Series Zero Turn Mower
Wolfe Ridge Pro 22C Commercial Log Splitter
Woodmizer LX 150 Sawmill
We live in Western Pa. and Have around 100 Acres of Land, About 1/2 is ours the rest is my moms, We have 4 kids and two grandchildren, 3 Golden Retrievers and one Cat. We enjoy working on our property and making improvements. We sell firewood and soon will be selling hardwood lumber.