Assalam Alaikum Guys This video is going to be very Special For Sindh Domicile holder Candidates for Admission in MBBS BDS in Medical and Dental Colleges in Sindh.
According Todays Sindh Cabinet Decision That Sindh Reject totally PMC and Their System of Admission for Medical Universities in sindh.
According to Sindh Medical And Dental Council Mdcat New Eligibility is 50% for mbbs Bds Admission in Sindh.
Dr Azra Announced that Sindh Mdical and Dental Council Will Reconsider all Mcat Features New Mdcat Formula And Mdcat New Weightage For Merit Calculation of mbbs Bds In Sindh.
#sindhmdcat #mdcatlatestnews
Sindh Mdcat New policySindh Mdcat New EligibilitySindh Mbbs Bds New Eligibility