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In Sochi, the storm continued for two days in a row, it became the strongest since 2012. This was reported by the press service of the city. The force of the wave reached seven points that night. “The last time a similar phenomenon was recorded in 2012, then the blow of the elements fell on the Imereti region,” the press service of the city administration said. The embankments of the Imeretinskaya lowland in the Adler region of Sochi and the embankments of the Lazarevsky region suffered the hardest from the storm. On the Svirsky beach in the center of Lazarevskoye, bank protection structures have been washed away. Now the beaches and embankments of Sochi are being restored: they are being cleared of large debris, sand and pebbles. “Thanks to the well-coordinated work of all responsible structures, victims on the Sochi beaches were avoided,” the administration noted. An emergency warning has been announced in the foothill and mountainous areas of the city due to the sticking of wet snow. In the mountains, mudflows and water rise in rivers are also possible. The Emergencies Ministry warns that heavy rains, thunderstorms and an increase in squally winds up to 30 meters per second are also expected in Sochi. Tornadoes are possible in the area of Vesely and Magri.
#tsunami #storm #sochi #russia
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