Not the first time I've caught her having a lie down, first time approaching her though to have a quick touch on her nose. What an amazing horse!
Become a member for extra videos and information! I post regularly to the various members sections and you also get to ask me questions directly. It also really helps around here for the horses and helps me make more and better videos for this channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjnnmrEZ4-1DfmBWYnmzbw/join
We have an online courses site here: https://myhorsecoach.com where you can enroll to study about horses.
I'm constantly putting up new information as well over on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/stablehorsetraining about horse training, horsemanship, horse husbandry and extra content. You can join for just a dollar per month, or more if you want even more extra videos and information about all kinds of horse topics! https://www.patreon.com/stablehorsetraining
We also have a store on our website: https://stablehorsetraining.com/shop/
Our store is where you can purchase lessons, trims, training and some merchandise! or help out with a bale of hay or haybag for the horses.
I went to Colorado recently to play with some mustangs, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZXoYsUpcA4&list=PLSX7fm7VayRWtE4u71OjZo09tEtkSiT9O&index=72&t=0s
See Our Introduction Video For 360 Video Here:
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Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/horse_stable
We made a cool little movie going for a ride in our famous local park, Golden Ears Park. Check that out here:
Main site: http://www.stablehorsetraining.com/
#horses #horsemanship #horsetraining