Uses, how to grow, care for desk plants to help protect the nervous system

Uses, how to grow, care for desk plants to help protect the nervous system

The head of state plant is often placed on the desk, helping to protect the respiratory tract as well as the nervous system

The tree of life will be like other ornamental plants to help clean the air, and at the same time remove toxic gases such as formaldehyde, carbon dioxide to protect the respiratory tract as well as the nervous system.

The technique of growing the tree of immortality is not too difficult, with just a few basic techniques, you've got pots of immortality full of flowers placed in your office or balcony garden decoration.

Baby Rubber Plant, scientifically known as Peperomia obtusifolia, is a flowering plant native to Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean.

The Tree of Life is an evergreen plant, with strong survivability, high resistance, always green leaves, and the tree can live for a long time. The Tree of Life is a semi-shade-tolerant plant, very suitable for making interior plants - office and desktop plants, the tree of immortality has medium water needs, slow growth rate, so the technique of growing the tree of immortality and how to grow it is very suitable. Care is not too fussy.

In particular, the tree of immortality also has the ability to purify the air, can absorb toxic gas, dirt, decontaminate from the computer, giving you fresh, cool air. The tree of immortality also has a special feng shui meaning of the tree of immortality which means longevity, forever, the tree of immortality symbolizes fortune and luck. So when in your home or work area, there is a tree of immortality that will bring you many good things.

Planting land

Tree of Life can live well in many types of soil, but it is necessary to maintain appropriate moisture for the soil to grow, should change the soil in the pot once a year.

Technique of planting the tree of longevity

Planting techniques of Longevity by 2 propagation methods are: sowing seeds and leaf cuttings, cuttings, separating seedlings.

With the method of sowing seeds directly into the soil. Seeds are purchased at stores that sell bonsai seeds. However, this method of propagation takes a long time and is not common.

There are asexual propagation methods such as leaf cuttings, cuttings, and seedling separation. During growth, take leaves or branches to plant. The plant will grow and develop into a seedling.

The next step is the technique of planting Longevity trees in beds, you need to go to a bed 25-30cm high, then proceed to plant trees. Should be planted interspersed with trees with wide canopy, creating shade to avoid having to make a trellis.

Growing the plant of Life in a pot requires soil including soil + rice husk ash + coir + lime powder in the ratio 1:1:1:1. When planting the tree of immortality, pay attention to plant it in the north-south direction. Put the soil in the pot and plant the plant, use the pot to water to create moisture for the plant to grow.

Take care of trees

Tree of Life is a semi-shade-loving plant, so it is necessary to limit the plant's direct exposure to sunlight, about 2 days for the plant to be exposed to light for about 2 hours in the morning. The tree of life likes high humidity, so you need to pay attention to provide the necessary amount of water for the tree, the humidity is about 80%. Water every 1-2 days depending on soil moisture, you can also use a mist sprayer to increase soil and air moisture.

Press the top for good growth and development

Pressing the top at the right time for the tree of immortality will create good conditions for the tree to grow, produce many branches and flowers. Press the top by cutting off 2-3cm above the top of the main stem. The number of tops on the tree of life depends on the variety.

Pest control

The Tree of Life is often threatened by the following pests such as aphids, leafminers, thrips, and thrips. If the tree shows signs of pests, it is necessary to use Sherzol, Cyper; Ofunack or Confidor for spraying.

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