4 Part Shoulder Pain Release - Motion Specific Release

4 Part Shoulder Pain Release - Motion Specific Release

4 Part Shoulder Pain Release - Motion Specific Release - Each case of shoulder injury should be assessed and treated as a unique dysfunction that is specific to that individual. Certain cases will only involve local structures, while other cases can involve a much larger kinetic chain. The MSR procedures I am demonstrating are very effective at eliminating shoulder pain.

Read the seven blogs that Dr. Abelson has written on shoulder Injuries: https://www.kinetichealth.ca/shoulder-injuries

Motion Specific Release (MSR) is a “Treatment System”, combining the benefits of various and diverse therapeutic perspectives. MSR has one singular focus, the resolution of musculoskeletal conditions. Read Dr. Abelson's blog on MSR https://www.kinetichealth.ca/post/motion-specific-release-msr

Kinetic Health Clinic - https://www.kinetichealth.ca/
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Motion Specific Release - https://www.motionspecificrelease.com/

00:00 Introduction
00:14 Part 1 Sitting
02:45 Part 2 Side Lying
04:22 Part 3 Supine
06:17 Part 4 Prone
07:25 Thoracic Mobilization/Adjustment

Medical Disclaimer: Nothing in this video, or related to this channel, should be construed as personal advice or diagnosis, and must not be used in this manner. You should and must consult a health care professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this video or before drawing inferences from it. Any decision regarding treatment and medication for your condition should be made with the advice and consultation of a qualified health care professional. If you have, or suspect you have, a health-care problem immediately contact a qualified health care professional for treatment.

4 Part Shoulder Pain Release motion specific release4 Part Shoulder Pain Releaseno more rotator cuff pain

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