TCS Buyback Key Questions - A simple analysis of key and frequently asked questions!

TCS Buyback Key Questions - A simple analysis of key and frequently asked questions!

This video is in Hindi and covers the following topics:

TCS Buyback: Key Questions

अगर मैं Buyback में participate करता हूँ तो मेरे account में पैसे कब आएंगे?
Buyback कब खुलेगा?
मैं share कब tender कर पाउँगा?
क्या मैं अभी भी share खरीद कर buyback में participate कर सकता हूँ?
अगर मेरे shares pledge हैं तो क्या मैं buyback में participate कर सकता हूँ?
क्या buyback में participate करने के कुछ charges होंगे?

You Should buy shares by 21st February (2 days prior to Record date) if you like to participate in buyback. Similarly if you have more shares then you should sell by 21st February to participate in retail category

All shareholders holding shares on the Record Date will receive the details of their total holding and the entitlement along with the letter of offer.

If you have an online trading account with your broker (Zerodha, ICICI Direct etc.), you may tender the shares through the online portal by entering the number of shares. You may either tender your total entitlement or any portion of your holding as on the Record Date.

For any further queries, you are requested to contact the customer service of your broker (Zerodha, ICICI Direct etc.)

Receipt of tender/ offer form is not necessary. If you are a shareholder on the Record Date, you can participate in the buyback

You will be eligible for Corporate actions (dividend, bonus, splits, buybacks, mergers, amalgamation, etc.) as long as the pledged shares stay in your account. You will need to continue holding the shares as on the record date.

However, pledged and non-transferable shares cannot be bought back so you need to unpledged it before tendering it

Equity Shareholders who intend to participate in the Buyback should consult their respective broker for payment to them of any cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage) that may be levied by the broker upon the selling Eligible Shareholder for tendering Equity Shares in the Buyback (secondary market transaction).

Zerodha = Charges for the orders placed online is Rs. 20 + GST. These charges are non-refundable irrespective of orders accepted/rejected/failed.

MKJWorld AffairsPrashant Dhawan

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