Thrilling Moments When Hyenas And Other Animals Steal Food From Their Enemies

Thrilling Moments When Hyenas And Other Animals Steal Food From Their Enemies

Hyenas have a bad reputation for stealing food from predators, but predators also do this. Most predators usually hunt to eat, but sometimes they see an opportunity to grab a quick meal without having to make the hunt. Have you ever seen lions steal a kill from another animal? What about a crocodile trying to snatch a meal from a bunch of hungry lions? If you want to see some amazing animal clashes, keep watching, as we look at thrilling moments when hyenas and other animals steal food from their enemies.

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Hyena VS Leopard’s Hunt- Antelope

We always think that hyenas are out to steal other predators’ kills, but in this video, it’s the leopard that tries stealing the hyena’s kill. But the hyena wasn’t about to let the big cat, walk away with its kill. It came back and grabbed the carcass right in front of the leopard and ran away with it. A male leopard is known as Hosana to safari guides, and a hyena is feeding on the body of a pregnant ungulate. They stole the kill from a female leopard named Thandi, who is Hosana’s half-sister. Both tears at the carcass to eat as quickly as possible, in an opportunistic tug-of-war. The big leopard is named Tingana and is the father of Hosana. A three-way leopard stand-off ensues. The carcass, stolen for the second time, seems to be in the firm grasp of Tingana. Hosanna and Thandi wait at the bottom of the tree in case the big leopard drops his prize. Tingana victoriously urinates on the ground below, marking his territory. This leopard’s kill is hanging from a tree and a feisty hyena is trying to grab it. The leopard isn’t happy about the situation and growls at the hyena. The hyena bites on the carcass, lifting itself up, to try and pull down the dead animal with its body weight and it works. The carcass falls to the ground where the hyena and a friend wait for it. This awesome video shows a male leopard reclaiming his meal from a stubborn hyena. Once the leopard has the kill in its mouth, the hyena tries to strike the leopard but misses by inches just when the leopard launches himself and the kill up into a large tree. Hyenas have stolen this leopard’s impala kill. The leopard looks on, as the hyenas seem to be enjoying themselves until a huge male lion appears out of nowhere and tries to kill one of the hyenas. After a hard-fought battle with the lion, the hyena manages to escape certain death. The lion then picks up the scent of the leopard, but the leopard, by now, has retreated to safety in a tree, leaving the lion to search for scraps. This leopard wants what this hyena is having because it was his before the hyena stole it. The two argue and pull on the dead carcass until the leopard lets go and the hyena continues eating. It seems like hyenas have the edge over leopards when it claims food for their own.

Hyenas Take On Lions Food

This fierce clash of lions and hyenas was caught on camera by a seasoned ranger while guiding a safari in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. The gutsy hyena clan moved in to drive the big cats off a buffalo carcass. The hyenas had numbers on their side, but would that be enough to claim the kill as their own? That’s what hyenas are good at. Wearing down their opponent until they give up and that’s what the lions end up doing. They leave the carcass to the hyenas and walk away. One of the lions is even seen on top of a tree. Have you ever seen a hyena and a lion share a meal at the same table? Well, while this lion was digging a warthog out of its den, a lone hyena was approaching, smelling an opportunity. Once the hyena saw the prize, it didn’t hesitate to grab a fork and knife and dig in. The lion didn’t pay much attention to the scavenger and kept eating. Imagine seeing this, two of the worst enemies eating and sharing a meal together. A few lions are enjoying a meal when a cackle of hyenas comes around to see what they can manage to grab from the felines. After a few seconds of waiting, the lions become irritated and chase the hyenas away. This time, the hyenas will have to look elsewhere for a quick meal.

thrilling moments of hyenas taking over already hunted foods of othersanimalsmoments

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