Insanely Strange Encounters You Might NOT Wanna Watch At Night

Insanely Strange Encounters You Might NOT Wanna Watch At Night

TikTok :

Narrated by James LaFleur
👉 James' channel :

👉Mind Blowing Videos For You :

From unexplained and mysterious encounters with strange creatures to mind blowing phenomena in this video I will analyze insanely strange encounters you might not wanna watch alone, at night.
-Giant creature in the mountain : Imagine coming face to face with a giant humanoid creature - well that's not going to happen because they don't exist. Or do they ? Last week a TikTok influencer ( caught on camera one of the most bizarre things ever, what appears to be a giant standing on top of a mountain. At that moment his friend was driving a car and did not want to stop to check it out, however his video went viral as soon as he posted it. Because of that he started receiving dozens of requests to go check this thing out - is it or is it not a giant? So he did. During his adventure to check out this mysterious creature many strange things occured, and Andrew was baffled by what was happening. But it doesn't stop there - a couple of weeks after another video surfaced the internet of what appears to be a Giant humanoid creature standing on top of a mountain , but somewhere else. In this other video we can clearly see a giant person standing on top of this mountain so the question that begs is : what's going on ? Watch to find out.
-Sasquatch family in the woods : Being a truck driver isn't the easiest of jobs. Little sleep and almost no rest - but there's a perk to it - and that's being in different places and in different moments of the day , sometimes capturing the craziest things on camera. In this case Daniel Ramirez stopped at a specific rest place and ended up capturing a strange sound , a howling noise that appears to be coming from something more like a Bigfoot - but is it really ?
- Mysterious phenomena : Some people aren't used to looking up to observe the star and the moon , but sometimes when you do so you might end up catching a strange phenomenon , something other than just a shooting star or something like the northern lights. This is exactly what happened to Jeffrey, who was at her balcony with a couple of friends when she saw something really strange out her window.
- Urban exploration gone wrong : Urbex is a new trend , and to be honest it's really nice to watch and sometimes I myself discover so much about the world just by watching these interesting YouTube videos. But like any adventure , sometimes urban exploration can go wrong, and this is sort of what happened with a YouTube channel - who decided to explore an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere , late at night. Watch what happens...

This and much more - Welcome to the Impossible Channel where I analyze the strangest and most mind blowing internet videos found online. I'm James LaFleur and I upload 2 videos per week for your entertainment so be sure to get ready for more content like this.

Credits :
Music - Epidemic Sound


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