Gareth Bale says he would make no apology to Ukrainians were Wales to deny them World Cup qualification.
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While expressing sympathy for Ukrainians' plight, Bale insisted that securing Wales' first appearance at a World Cup for 64 years was the only thing he is focused on. "We've all felt awful during this time and not been able to do too much. But come Sunday, it's a game of football. We want to win."
Emotions high but Bale keeps Wales grounded for Ukraine playoff final ► https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/jun/04/gareth-bale-wales-ukraine-world-cup-playoff-final
Wales v the world: emotional Ukraine final could make any fan’s heart skip a beat ► https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2022/jun/04/wales-emotional-ukraine-final-can-many-any-fans-heart-skip-a-beat-world-cup-playoff
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