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Closing arguments are the best part of any trial IMHO (in my humble opinion), as a trial attorney, it was my favorite part of a trial. I tried to prep my cases so that I knew what I wanted to argue in closing. I am sure that the Depp v. Heard Attorneys were working on their closing throughout this case, and during. I prefer the style of Depp's attorneys, but there were good points made by Heards attorneys in closing. I would love to hear what you thought of these closing arguments. Did you find them persuasive?? Did you watch?
Podcast Links
YouTube Links
Depp v. Heard Trial Playlist Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard - YouTube
Closing Arguments https://youtu.be/yU-JwmBYZes
Rebuttal Arguments https://youtu.be/jW7j77D9ewk
The Docket
00:00 Welcome
01:04 Intro
01:34 Manscaped Ad Spot
03:06 Closing Arguments
27:03 Media Tour Thoughts
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*This video is not legal advice; it is commentary for educational and entertainment purposes. These videos are based on publically available information unless otherwise stated. Sharing a resource is not an endorsement; it is a resource. Copyright 2020-2022 Baker Media, LLC*