Complex sentences ARE NOT very long and complicated sentences

Complex sentences ARE NOT very long and complicated sentences

Yes, to obtain a high Writing score, you must include some “complex sentences”; however, a “complex” sentence is essentially a sentence that contains different types of clauses. Such sentences can actually be fairly short and straightforward.

For example:

👉 "Because so many people now shop online, numerous local businesses have closed." 

is a complex sentence.

Many IELTS candidates, however, mistakenly believe that “complex” means “very long and complicated” and add clause after clause.

The result is run-ons that feel sloppy and out of control, and that can be difficult for a reader to follow—indeed, this is one of the hallmarks of Band-6 writing. Try to limit your sentences to three clauses (phrases that contain a subject and verb).

You have to master being simple 💯 and clear before you can get sophisticated. Otherwise, you’re likely to end up with a mess.😫

Another very common problem ⚠️ involves comma splices: two sentences connected by a comma rather than a period/full stop or semicolon.

Most people, native English speakers included, have trouble here not because they don’t know the rule but because they don’t really know when a statement is and is not a grammatically complete sentence.

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