Republican Representative James Comer, the Chair of the House Oversight Committee, paid lip service to the new report about Donald Trump and Jared Kushner's lucrative business deals with Saudi Arabia during an appearance on ABC this past weekend. Comer was asked about the scandal and whether Republicans would investigate, to which he said that "everything is on the table." While that isn't technically a denial, it definitely isn't a YES, which means that there will NOT be an investigation. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.newsweek.com/probe-jared-kushners-saudi-ties-table-republican-says-1780680
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
On Sunday on a b c News, Republican representative James Comer, the chair of the House Oversight Committee, was asked by the host on a b ABC about the recent reports. Actually, it came out on Saturday about Donald Trump and Jared Kushner getting billions and billions of dollars and billions of dollars worth of business deals in Saudi Arabia due to their close bonds with them while they were in the White House. And James Comer gave the impression that, Hey, maybe we're gonna look into this. Here is what Comer had to say. I think everything is on the table when asked, of course, if they were gonna be investigating. I don't disagree with the Democrats in their criticism of the previous administration. We have a problem here that needs a legislative solution. That's why this Hunter Biden investigation is so important. There's a legislative solution to this and it can be bipartisan, ah, see, immediately.
Well, world, I mean, obviously yeah, it's a big deal. Just like Hunter Biden. Are there any Republicans in this country that are capable of uttering five sentences without bringing up Hunter Biden? Honest to God at this point, I don't think, I don't think such a person exists. I think that is the only thing Republicans know how to say right now. They've just switched out their usual talking point of we need tax cuts to, we need investigations of Hunter Biden. See, we'll just switch those up when Hunter Biden becomes yesterday's news. But here's what me off about this story. The headline Newsweek ran probe into Jared Kushner's, Saudi ties on the table. Republican says, so you read that headline, right? You get the impression that, oh boy, Republicans are actually serious about this. They said it's on the table. They wanna investigate Saudi Arabia, Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, they're gonna get to the bottom of this.
No, they're not. I read you what he said about it. He immediately pivoted to Hunter Biden, this man James Comer will not for the life of him, investigate Donald Trump and Kushner's ties to Saudi Arabia and the billions of dollars that the two received due to their close relationship with them. And here's what we know, of course, uh, Jared Kushner got $2 billion from Saudi Arabia shortly after that administration ended. Uh, Donald Trump, of course, helped Saudi Arabia avoid any kind of liability for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. Uh, and also Donald Trump has inked a deal for a Trump golf resort in Saudi Arabia. And that is a $4 billion deal. And all they had to do was turn a blind eye to all of the abuses being committed by the government of Saudi Arabia. And you get everything you wanted. You get billions of dollars, you get these, uh, nice business deals, we'll help fund everything. Hell, they even sent a couple billion dollars to Steve Minuchin, who was Donald Trump's treasury
Secretary to the group that Minuchin funds. Oh, and of course, let's not forget the l i v golf tour, right? That, uh, Saudi Arabia owns 93% of Donald Trump's been hosting that. So he is getting money off that. He's getting all kinds of deals in favor. So is Jared Kushner again. So is Steve Minuchin, who's kind of remained out of the whole thing but needs to be investigated. This is serious stuff and it needs to be investigated.