Episode 40
Namaste, We are Shirish and Pooja
and Welcome to a Mugache Kadhan and Zee Marathi Special Episode of @RedSoilStories
It was the day of "Mahashivratri", I and Pooja had gone to the temple early in the morning to worship Lord Shiva, while returning back home Pooja got a call from her friend 'Asmi', She is from Kolhapur and she also runs a mess along with her mother.
She told Pooja that she wants to learn "Moogache Kadhan" ( Green gram pudding ) as few of her customers want it on this Mahashivratri. Pooja told her that she will come at her mess in Kolhapur and teach her "Moogache Kadhan recipe".
Meanwhile we returned home, Pooja started roasting the Moog Daal ( Green Gram ), then she split it on the traditional grinding stone (Jaata), We packed it and left for Kolhapur.
Pooja met her friend Asmi and taught her Mugache Kadhan Recipe, Asmi loved the recipe and also liked the unique taste of it.
Let us know how do you liked this episode..!
Asmi also known as "Lavangi Mirchi" is coming to meet you on Zee Marathi in "Apli dupar, Zee Marathi dupar" at 1 pm and "Yashoda; Goshta shyam chya aaichi" at 12.30 pm.
Thank You for watching "Traditional Mugache Kadhan | मुगाचे कढण | Zee Marathi | Village Cooking | Red Soil Stories"
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Proud to say that we are inspired from- 李子柒 Liziqi, Dianxi Xiaoge, Traditional me, Poorna - The nature girl
Music Credits : Yellow Tunes ( https://www.yellowtunes.net/ )
village cooking videos, lunch box recipes, variety rice recipes, soup, Indian traditional cooking, traditional cooking, Traditional mugache kadhan, mugache kadhan, मुगाचे कढण, Zee marathi, Lavangi Mirchi, mugache kadhan in marathi, moong daal kheer, mugache kadhan recipe, hirvya mugache kadhan, pudding, village cooking, village food, village style cooking, village girl cooking, Indian traditional cooking, how to, food hacks, entertainment, village, village cooking channel, red soil stories, village farm, traditional, eating.
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