French TV news report - students return to Château de la Baudonnière | Voyager School Travel

French TV news report - students return to Château de la Baudonnière | Voyager School Travel

School groups returned to our French language centre in Normandy in May 2021 and French TV was there to film it! While UK school groups weren't able to visit France we transformed our language centre in Normandy into an "English Manor" for French school children. Based at Voyager School Travel's Château de la Baudonnière centre in Normandy, the English Manor offers an immersive English language and cultural experience to French groups who are unable to take a school trip to England.

Using 20 years' experience of hosting language learners, the English Manor combines the Château's adventure facilities with new cultural activities, such as learning cricket and making scones for a tradtional cream tea, to create an authentic English experience.

The innovative approach caught the attention of the French media and a news crew from filmed the reopening, spending the day with a school group from Collège du Sacré-Coeur, Domfront en Poiraie on their English language school trip. The news report features an interview with our Château manager Darren as well as staff and students from the school.

The English Manor programme has proved incredibly popular with French school groups who intend to return even after international travel restrictions have been lifted. By hosting both French school groups and groups from the UK, we can add an exciting new 'exchange' option to our language programme and as soon as British school groups return to the Château we hope to offer them the chance to meet their French peers and work together on an on-site activity during their stay.


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