By: Tarek Fatah, New Delhi Times Exclusive
Turkey invaded Cyprus, an independent country in 1974, yet have the audacity to bring up issue so-called occupation of J&K.
Turkish Islamists are also desperately trying to erase all memory of Ata Turk and take Turkey back to the darkness of theocracy and medievalism. What the Turkish Islamists don’t know is that no Arab, Iraninan or Kurd is willing to live under the yolk of Turkish colonialism.
Only Pakistanis who deny their Indian ancestry are eager to join Turkey as its servants and slaves under Erdogan’s Caliphate.
New Delhi Times columnist Tarek Fatah exposes the Turkish agenda and asks the descendants of Babur and Timur to worry about the troubles in their own backyard and stop poking their nose in India and its Union Territories in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.
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