DIWAN talks: Residence Permit for Self-employed Artists

DIWAN talks: Residence Permit for Self-employed Artists

DIWAN for Arts and Dialogue deals with urgencies and pressing questions which the art field, institutions, and practitioners are confronted with. For our third event, we aim to shed light and inform ourselves on the application procedure for acquiring a residence permit for self-employed artists. How do you get a residence permit to work as an artist in the Netherlands? What are the requirements and costs for applying? What are the important points you need to focus on for making a fool-proof application? When do you need to get started with preparing your application?

If you are a non-EU art student who just graduated or if you are almost reaching the end of your search-year (zoekjaar) visa, this session will help you to orientate your next steps towards staying in the Netherlands. DIWAN invites immigration lawyer Nikki Vreede who has experience in assisting non-EU creatives in applying for their artist residence permit. She will share information with us about the procedure towards applying for this specific residence permit: who can apply, what is the paperwork needed, what are the costs, how long does it take to get a response, and what happens after receiving the response, in case of rejection or approval. The session will be divided to include ample time for direct and case-specific questions from the participants.

About Nikki Vreede
Nikki is a lawyer at Everaert Immigration Lawyers in Amsterdam. She mainly assists private individuals, especially in the field of family migration, permanent residence, withdrawal of residence rights, public order issues and residence permits based on humanitarian grounds. Nikki also advises on employment-based immigration. She assists highly skilled migrants and self-employed persons, especially in the creative sector: artists, musicians, dancers, as well as companies that want to become a recognized sponsor to hire highly skilled migrants. Nikki teaches for the Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary on various topics of Immigration Law.


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