YOUR PAIN HAS A PURPOSE | Trust God's Plan Not Your Pain - Inspirational & Motivational Video

YOUR PAIN HAS A PURPOSE | Trust God's Plan Not Your Pain - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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YOUR PAIN HAS A PURPOSE | Trust God's Plan Not Your Pain - Inspirational & Motivational Video

Whatever it is, pain is something that we have all experienced at one point or another in our lives. It could be physical, emotional, financial etc. It is that state where you experience so much discomfort that you might begin to wonder why you were born. You may be like, “when will this suffering end?”. There can be a temptation to compare yourself with others, maybe your peers. That brings so much frustration to you. If this describes you, I want to tell you that I understand and there is one important thing that I want you to know, God is here for you. You might have heard this so many times from people, but it is no cliché. God is actually here with you and there are lessons that he would want you to learn from what is happening right now.
But before we talk about what God wants you to know, I want you to understand one thing about God. He is not the author of your pain. Jesus said that the thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy but he has come that you may have life and have it abundantly. God wants you to be prosperous. He wants you to be blessed, to be free from pain and suffering. It is the devil that wants to destroy your life. The bible says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. We are in a world where suffering is the new normal. You can imagine what happened in the pandemic. Everywhere was shutdown. People lost their loved ones, some people lost their jobs. Some people were lonely and it affected their mental health. It was a time of great fear. But all this, God was still speaking to us. He was telling us something. Even now, in whatever you are going through, God is saying something. Are you listening to the message that God has for you?
God will never leave you. This is a comforting statement that keeps me going. It assures me that there is someone who is looking out for me even when my world is turned upside down. I want to assure you that He has not left you too. This is because He has promised to see us all through the way. Nothing compares to the love of God. It is all encompassing. It guides us through the difficult times. The love of God is unending. He truly cares about what you are passing through now. You may start to question why things are still the same way but He is working in you both to will and do of His good pleasure. Sometimes, we have to recognize how powerful God is and acknowledge this in our lives. When you recognize that God is working and all-powerful, you will only laugh at your challenges.
What is God trying to let you know?
You are much stronger than you think you are. God is telling you that you are able to go through the troubles of this life. You do not need to be discouraged. You only need to hold unto His word. God’s word brings comfort to us. His word is our strength. When we feel like we are at our weakest spots, he lifts us up again. God is always there to give us power to triumph over our troubles. It is okay for you to feel scared. It is okay for you to feel frustrated. There are situations that may make you to question God’s ability in you. However, these times will only make you stronger. You know, gold is not made in ice. It goes through the most rigorous process. It passes through a furnace where impurities are removed. When it is done, the product is a shiny and lustrous substance that you call gold. It is one of the most valuable and expensive materials on earth. It is not just mere stone. Why? It has gone through a process. Anything of value has to go through a process. It is called the process of making. God is telling you that this is your process of making. It is a time that you bring out the best that in you. How you manage these times will determine how far you will go. I will show you how to go through these times holding unto God’s message.
- Change your perspective: Just like I explained earlier, what you are going through is a process. That means that you can only come out stronger. You can change your perspective about everything happening around you. You can choose to see God working in your life, rather than the problems at your doorstep. See yourself becoming much better. What you are going through is only for a time. The bible says that you should count it all joy when you are faced with various trials and temptations. That it works in you, endurance. When you are faced with a challenge, the first thing is not for you to complain. Complaining never solves the problem. It is never the solution.


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