Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance | ElectronicRebel Jazz Relax Music
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ELECTRONIC REBEL is a Ukrainian company that specializes in piano music. They are located in Ukraine and have been creating their own unique sound for the past 20 years. Their goal is to share as many piano albums as possible with those who enjoy it, no matter what country they live in or how old they may be.
0:00 And if or Art or Nature has made bait
2:48 And he looked in the face of the man
5:24 And gave the while a quiet smile
8:21 And hailed the blessings as they fell
11:09 And I have loved you all too long and well
14:08 And how I once went down the middle
16:44 And he als faire as evere he may
19:36 And he and all his legions wait
22:15 And her good love and her great heart
24:54 And for the sense and power intense
27:30 And I reckon five oughts
30:22 And having once brought to an end
32:42 And he tossed his branching antlers high
35:28 And her pomps and giddy grandeur
38:11 And frae my een the drapping rains
40:46 And I would not now be saying
43:34 And having learnt our simple way of life
46:24 And he before his cottage door
49:02 And frae my een the drapping rains
51:37 And I would dig his grave full deep
54:30 And I must sing more glad than any bird
57:26 And Him evermore I behold
1:00:20 And I would not now be saying
1:03:09 And from the garden side the wind and rain
1:05:51 And in the morn they take
1:08:47 And if he feels within his breast
1:11:37 And I would not now be saying
1:14:26 And I must sing more glad than any bird
1:17:22 And I will be the sentinel
1:20:06 And I reckon five oughts
1:22:57 And if peace came with thy murder
1:25:41 And I will tell thee a story
1:28:30 And I will be the sentinel
1:31:15 And her sweet parting lips are graced
1:33:57 And forced the indomitable sea
1:36:32 And he before his cottage door
1:39:10 And held his philosophic school
1:41:45 And geisha fluttering gay before
A small playlist of happy chill songs to keep you motivated while you study, or just to relax and vibe to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbRb_BMr-hUaJyNNaL-oaJRCggpHKXaf2
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