Taken is a series of English-language French action films, beginning with Taken in 2008, created by producer Luc Besson and American screenwriter Robert Mark Kamen. The dialogue of all three films is primarily English, and all three feature Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills.
Starring: Liam Neeson; Maggie Grace; Leland ...
Release dates: 27 February 2008 (France); 30 ...
Language: English
Written by: Luc Besson; Robert Mark Kamen
Taken (franchise) - Wikipediahttps://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Taken_(franchise)
Characters: Bryan Mills, Oleg Malankov, Lenore, Franck Dotzler, MORE
Production companies: Canal+, M6, EuropaCorp, Grive Productions, TSG Entertainment, CinΓ©+, Dune Entertainment
Directors: Olivier Megaton, Pierre Morel
Note- We make videos to Influence People to watch these movies which are truly hidden gems to Entertain people. This video is all about explaining the movie from our own point of view. For the Explanation, we have used Most of the video clips from The Movie for better understanding. For Video Clips all credits go to the movie owners.
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