Trump Allies Launch Internal War To Identify Who Tipped Off FBI

Trump Allies Launch Internal War To Identify Who Tipped Off FBI

As news came out about a potential "leaker" inside Mar-a-Lago who may have alerted the feds to missing documents, Trump's allies began turning against each other to find out who the person could be. These people are absolutely going to start eating themselves alive over this, but there's a much bigger lesson from these news reports that people should be paying attention to, as Farron Cousins explains.

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There is chaos taking place down at Malago right now because of the FBI's execution of that search warrant. And of course the subsequent seizure of at least 12 boxes that we know of from the property earlier this week, but the chaos isn't just because the FBI was there and they're investigating Trump, no folks, the chaos and internal struggle happening at Malago right now is due to the fact that someone among them is a leaker as reported by Axios. On Wednesday of this week. It turns out that somebody somewhere in Maralago likely tipped off the feds, which is what led to them coming back to Malago with that warrant. So right now, according to these reports what's been happening over the last couple days is you have all of those Trump staffers, the Trump allies, the Trump loyalists, everybody at Margo, basically at each other's throats, accusing one, another of being the leaky, right?

Trying to conspire with your friends to find out who the leaker may be. Totally wasn't me, man. Was it you? Nah, bro. So it's all this back and forth. It's a, it's, an error of as they call mistrust and paranoia because nobody knows who it could be, but there's a bigger part of this story that I think a lot of people are missing. And it's a piece of this story that actually debunks, literally every single talking point that Republicans have come out with since the raid happened. And that is that if it turns out there was an individual at Malago who tipped off the feds and said, Hey, there's more stuff here than what you took earlier this year. He's hiding more. If that did happen again, that destroys every single talking point that this was the weaponization of the DOJ, that it was the FBI coming in to try to planting evidence against Donald Trump or that it was literally anything else they've said, because apparently the call was coming from inside the house the whole time, except this time, instead of being the big, bad villain, it was the unsung hero of the week telling the FBI, telling the DOJ, you guys missed something.

It's here, it's in this particular room, possibly because as Trump's own people have admitted the do, uh, when the FBI came in, excuse me, not DOJ. FBI came in, they focused on three specific areas. And one of those areas happens to be the basement of Malago. Whereas in earlier this year, when they came in and took the 15 boxes, those were actually in the residency at Malago. Some of them in Donald Trump's actual closet.

So whoever it is that leaked this, or, you know, became the anonymous hero. Tipster said, you gotta look in the safe, you gotta check the basement. And then of course they said there was a third area that they also focused on. Not that those were the only places, but that those were the three where they were focused. So somebody, somewhere there knew something and they told somebody and that's a lot of very vague language, but that's the point we're at. So what needs to happen at this point? And I know it never will because the crazy Trump people would probably try to do something horrible to them, but this individual needs to come forward. Right? This one individual, the, the anonymous tipster could put to rest all of the conspiracy theories going around right now. They could immediately squash all of this new support that Trump and his allies are getting because of the raid.

They could put an end into that, but they won't. And honestly, for their own personal safety, it's probably best that they don't right. We, we know what Trump's people are capable of. I mean, we've already seen it with election officials. We've seen it with lawmakers who wouldn't overturn the election. They'll they'll threaten at least some very horrible things. So this person likely will not ever come forward until way after the fact. But again, this blows up all their talking points. If there was this anonymous tipster, somewhere in Malago, then it proves this wasn't the weaponization of the DOJ. It proves it wasn't a targeted attack on a political enemy. All it proves is that maybe there's one or two honest people still working for Donald Trump. And that's not a bad thing.

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