2023 VA DIC rates for spouses and dependents
Review 2023 VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) rates for the surviving spouses and dependent children of Veterans. These VA survivor benefits are tax exempt. This means you won’t have to pay any taxes on your compensation payments. These rates are effective December 1, 2022
Surviving spouse rates if the Veteran died on or after January 1, 1993
If you’re the surviving spouse of a Veteran
Your monthly payment rate is: $1,562.74
Effective December 1, 2022
You may also be eligible for added amounts based on certain factors. Find any descriptions in the table below that are true for you. Add the amount listed in the Added monthly amount column of each description to your monthly payment. This is your total monthly payment.
Added amounts for surviving spouses
Effective December 1, 2022
If this description is true… You may qualify for this benefit Added monthly amount (in U.S. $)
The Veteran had a VA disability rating of totally disabling (including for individual unemployability) for at least the 8 full years leading up to their death, and
You were married to the Veteran for those same 8 years
8-year provision
You have a disability and need help with regular daily activities (like eating, bathing, or dressing)
Aid and Attendance
You can’t leave your house due to a disability
Housebound allowance
You have 1 or more children who are under 18
Transitional benefit, and
DIC apportionment rate
332.00 for the first 2 years after the Veteran’s death
387.15 for each eligible child
Example of how to calculate your DIC payment
If you’re the surviving spouse of a Veteran, your monthly rate would start at $1,562.74.
Then for each additional benefit you qualify for, you would add the amounts from the Added amounts table.
In this example: We show the total monthly payment for someone with 2 children under 18, and who qualifies for the 8-year provision and Aid and Attendance.
Total monthly payment for the first 2 years
$1,562.74 (monthly rate)
+ $387.15 (first child under 18)
+ $387.15 (second child under 18)
+ $331.84 (8-year provision)
+ $387.15 (Aid and Attendance)
+ $332.00 (transitional benefit for the first 2 years after the Veteran’s death)
= $3,388.03 per month
Total monthly payment after 2 years (when transitional benefit ends)
$3,388.03 (monthly payment with transitional benefit)
- $332.00 (transitional benefit)
= $3,056.03 per month
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