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How is Super Dragon Ball Heroes the worst thing in the history of anime. Okay maybe I'm being dramatic. But it's still a bad series. In this review I will attempt to explain how this series works and what I think of the "story".
It's been over a year since I've dedicated my channel to Dragon Ball and in a way it feels good to be back... But something is missing. Wait for the end of the video.
This video will cover Super Dragon Ball Heroes episode 21 to episode 35.
-The Mischievous Trio (DBZ)
-SDB Heroes Opening but after coming back from hell (Remixed by Mark)
-Trunks Theme (DBGT)
-Crawling but after coming back from hell
-Race Against Time (DBGT)
-Bonus Theme (DKC1)
-E Prosounds - Ninos Cantan
-Saigo No Sosui (DB Path To Power)
-M1708 (DBZ)
-Battle Point Unlimited (DBZ)
-I love you, Colonel Sanders (KFC Game)
-Perverted Kame Senin (DBGT)
-Broly's Dying Moments (DBZ)
-Battle! (DBGT)
-Battle of Brothers (DBGT)
-Mystical Adventure (DB)
-The Terror of Piccolo Daimaoh (DB)
-BFG Division 2020 (Doom Eternal)
-Ascanio in Alba, K. 111: Ouverture (Mozart)
-M814 (DBZ)
-Bad Situation (DBGT)
-Hope In The Instant Movement (DBGT)
-Ultra Instinct's Theme (I think it's a Pokemixr92 cover)
-A6 - Mystica Adventure (DB)
-BFG Division 2020 (Doom Eternal)
-Ascanio in Alba, K. 111: Ouverture (Mozart)
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EDITED BY - EDITOR-SAN: https://twitter.com/EditorSans