Is this you? "I don't have time for book marketing." Or is this you? "I don't have time to figure out who my ideal reader is."
If finding time for book marketing is a struggle or you find that it eats into your precious writing time, then, I hear you.
Ad-hoc book marketing tactics will always be time-consuming. What you need is a book marketing strategy that you can fit into your schedule and that gets results.
In this video, I'm going to tell you the ONE thing you can do to make your book marketing more time-efficient AND cost-effective... because you already know that marketing your book isn't really optional, right?
⚡👉 REGISTER NOW FOR MY FREE CHALLENGE! 5 Days To Mastering Your Book Marketing: https://smartauthorslab.com/challenge 👈 ⚡
Website: https://smartauthorslab.com/
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#BookMarketing #TargetReaders #BelindaKGriffin